Mark Mason has been a personal friend for over thirty years. Over those years, he has consistently displayed a servant’s heart, kingdom mentality, and impeccable character. We have used him in every setting including youth and men’s retreats, leadership training, leading worship, and Sunday morning preaching. He is able to connect immediately and has proven to be a blessing to our local church. Our people love him, and he always deposits something eternal into our lives. Mark is a gift to the body of Christ. Your local congregation would greatly benefit from his ministry.
Stan Grant, Lead Pastor
Clover Hill Church, Midlothian, Va.
Mark Mason has a unique blend of life experiences allowing him to minister with uncommon clarity for the common man. Whether it's an urban audience, a country crowd or a middle class mindset, Mark has something powerful to share…he is that versatile. His heart for the down and out matches his understanding of how to relate to the up and coming. Mark knows people and he understands pastoral ministry. He blends sweet tunes with the compassion of Jesus to create effective moments when people are drawn to Christ. He is a “musicianary” of encouragement whom God is using across all boundaries. Let his ministry help you fulfill your calling to reach your community. You won’t be disappointed.
Ken Cramer, Senior Pastor
Lighthouse, Hayes, Virginia
Mark Mason is the real deal. I've known Mark to drive thousands of miles just the share the gospel, oh yeah and pay his own way. Mark's passion for the hurting and those who have yet to hear the gospel is remarkable and selfless. I wholeheartedly recommend his ministry.He is not only a capable minister of the word, he also completely understands the local church. From being on staff at a mega church to starting a church, his commitment to the local church is strong. Because of his passion to reach the lost and hurting and his gift of music he is able to reach into venues that most cannot. I would encourage you to support Mark and his mission.
The Rev Jimmie Bratcher
Evangelist & President of Ransom Ministries, Inc.
Mark Mason brings to the table both his desire to equip the local church and his desire to open the eyes of the unchurched to Gods love. Your church congregation's faith will be elevated, stirred, and motivated through his powerful testimony, music talent, and preaching ministry. I'm honored to be a partner in his ministry and a long time friend."
Dean Ralls, Lead Pastor
Velocity Church, Hampton, Virginia
Mark Mason has been highly valuable to our ministry and organization. We asked him to come into our church and speak to our worship ministry and worship ministries of neighboring churches with practical teaching and wisdom for the teams to implement in their everyday function. What Mark brought was beyond expectation and ended up being the highlight of the day. His words concerning excellence and how worship ministry should operate resonated with pastors, worship leaders and musicians. Marks humility and ability to communicate had a tremendous impact on all who attended. I would highly recommend any church to consider Mark for teaching, consulting, worship leading, or team building.
Trevor Walker, Worship Pastor
Clover Hill Church, Midlothian, Va.
I brought Mark in to do a two-day training with my leadership team. Mark teaches from a platform of 20+ years of leadership experience. His personal testimony is inspiring and his wisdom is vital. Mark did not try to change the identity of our organization, but rather, gave us principles that helped us grow as individuals and as a team. This training helped me realize the stage of leadership that I was in, which gave me understanding for the present and hope for the future. Every member of my team found our time with Mark both inspiring and beneficial. Almost six months later, we still find ourselves reflecting on the powerful truths that we discovered. I would recommend Mark’s leadership training without reservation.
Brian Briggs,
Youth Pastor (former) Lighthouse Worship Center, Gloucester, Va.
Mark Mason and Life on the Verge presented a powerful program of music and worship to a packed house here at Fluvanna Correctional Center…. The women were very moved and inspired by the testimony of Mark Mason, and the ministry of the Spirit that was evidenced during that service. They have requested that Life on the Verge return to FCCW soon.
-Julie Perry, Chaplain Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women
I have not run across to many men with the level of commitment ….Mark is a multi gifted person. Please consider him for your ministry. You will not be disappointed.
Tony Loeffler, President & Founder
International Solid Rock, West Palm, FL
Chaplain Calvin Corbitt, St. Brides CC, Chesapeake, VA
Chaplain Frank Keller, North West Florida Reception Center, Chipley, FL
Chaplain Donna Smith, Indian Creek CC, Chesapeake, VA